Nov 19, 2010

Flashback Friday - {Baby Me}

Me as a baby, circa 1987-88

Yep that is me as a baby!
I know I know what happened?! LOL
I had the blondest hair and the BLUEST eyes ever!
Now I am a dirty blonde (naturally) and Green eyes.
Funny thing is I never knew I had baby blues until I was 4 years old. 
I was shocked to see me.
I was a chubby happy looking baby :)

Okay now look at the couch, blanket and the wall is wood! 
Wow that really dates the picture

I hope my baby turns out looking like me! 
I know I know thats mean to say but its true :)

Happy Friday everyone!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Flashback Friday Button

1 comment:

Tia Colleen said...

That is an AWESOME couch. And the blanket and chubby baby (so cute) aren't half bad either :)