Jun 3, 2008

you think you know...

someone and you can trust them but when it comes down to everything and go through a rough patch you dont know them at all... im over saying best friends because everytime i do i lose them or something happens to ruin our friendship... today has probably been one of the most emtional rollercoaster day of my life and i just want to crul up into a ball and cry and act like it never happend. I feel like the only ppl i can trust in this world is my family and my fiance. everyone else is just using me to have friends until they dont need me anymore...i hate today and i want it to be over! i cant stop these tears from streaming down my face and somehow i get blamed for everything and get yelled at for things someone else did....does that sound like a friend to you?? someone you can trust? well if it does then maybe we should be friends because i always find friends like this....i have been through so much and been there for so much but they cant see that....

im done

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