Mar 24, 2011

nothing new here!

Here I am 9 months pregnant and nothing to do.
I haven't blogged all week and that is just crazy for me.
It's not like I dont have anything to say but this has been a boring week, and I haven't done much so what was the point?
Well I am officially off bed rest and I can do whatever I feel is comfortable.
So today I am going to do my yoga, walk the dog, possible nap and then walk some more.
I am trying to be in the best physical shape so I can handle labor. I hear it helps a lot.

Baby girl is still sitting high but not as high as she was.
I am trying to get her to drop a tad more because she is hitting this nerve and it hurts really bad to the point I feel like it is ripping my insides.
I talked to the dr's they did an ultrasound and nothing is ripping.
My friend Jessica had her baby March 14th, and now my friend Jamie just lost her mucus plug and is 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced and then there is me!
So I am so excited that is coming to an end and I finally get to meet her! :)

Well I hope you all have a great Thursday! :)

My beautiful baby!


Kaitlin said...

Congratulations! You're doing great! I've been doing a prenatal yoga video every day and it's really helping me feel comfortable, I really hope it helps for you :)

Amber said...

You can blog about how AWESOME wicked was and how awesome it was to be stuck in the rain;)